It's your time! Make sure it'll be great! Get Started
I help single midlife women understand and take control of their money so they can embrace their next chapter with confidence. Make the rest of your life the best of your life!
Nancy McKenna knows what it is to be a single, midlife woman. She raised two kids on her own while working as an accountant in the tech world. She has an MBA, was a real estate investor for 18 years and built wealth as a single mother.
Nancy retired at 56. She experienced financial success, but suffered a tragedy when her just-turned-18-years-old son Tommy died, after a 2.5 week (yes, week!) illness.
Having money allowed Nancy to stop working, and to start traveling and doing things to try to heal.
Nancy speaks of how the "3 Ds" can disrupt anyone's financial life: Death, Divorce or Disability. Having money can help smooth life's rough edges.
It's so critical that we women (specially the single ladies) get our arms around our money- the clock is ticking!
Financial success comes down to embracing certain habits - and dropping others that don't serve you. You don't want to be "fake rich".
People that have goals tend to achieve more than those that don't. Once you set financial goals for yourself, it will shift your viewpoint from one of limitation to one of excitement for your future. Your goal will always be top of mind, and will shape your daily decisions and actions.
Building wealth isn't complicated. You don't have to have an MBA from Wharton. You will need to know the basics, however, to make sure you don't make any far-reaching missteps.
Inside, we'll show you:
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